boy in class

Curriculum Intent

The business curriculum encourages balanced and considered decision making. It allows pupils to consider the needs of others in the modern world of work. The curriculum intends to provide for all by ensuring that in mixed ability classes the work is accessible for all but challenging at the higher end.

Curriculum Features

There is a clear pathway into Level 2 learning through the content covered and the skills that are developed. The lessons are modelled on GCSE lessons to allow pupils to make informed pathway choices for Year 10. The course develops cultural capital and readiness for work for all. Real life case studies are used in lessons and pupils are encouraged to apply and analyse their learning through online research to show their understanding. All pupils will work in a business when they are adults and this course gives them the understanding of how to set up a business and what is it like to work in industry.

Curriculum Overview


Business Studies Progression Grid Link





Area of study:







What should they know?

What is a business

Purpose of business

Adding value

Business activity

Aims and objectives


Business ownership: sole traders, partnerships, private limited company and public limited company and franchises.

Customer satisfaction

Customer service

Marketing mix

Market research


Employment disputes

Employment law






Sources of finance

Interest rates

Business cycle

Exchange rates


Festival synoptic project


What should they be able to do?

Describe different types of business and their purpose. How a business adds value

The aims and objectives of business

How competition affects a business

Identify and describe the best ownership status a business should operate under with their key features.

Identify the needs and wants of customers. Explain the benefits of customer loyalty, how to satisfy customers, all four elements of the marketing mix, methods of market research

Identify different types of taxation a business has to pay. What is employment and the laws surrounding employment. What a dispute is and how it is resolved. The methods of recruiting employees

How to calculate revenue and methods of how to increase it. Identify costs that need to be paid by a business. How to calculate profit and ways to increase it. The sources of finance available to a business. What is an interest rate and how it affects a business

The sections of a business cycle, how the business cycle affects a business, what an exchange rate is and how to calculate one currency into another, what are ethics and how a business can be ethical.

To participate in a group activity to plan a summer festival

Key vocabulary

Primary, secondary and tertiary

Adding value

Aims and objectives


Sole trader, partnership, franchise, private limited company, public limited company, unlimited and limited liability, deed of partnership, corporation tax

Customers, Customer satisfaction

Customer service

Marketing mix

Primary & secondary market research

Quantitative and qualitative data



Fixes, variable costs


Loan, trade credit, overdraft, credit card, debit card

Interest rate

Boom, recession, bust, decline, recovery

Exchange rate, currency



Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions

Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions

Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions

Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions

Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions

Mcq, short answer and longer answer exam style questions


Subject: V Cert Technical Award in Business & Enterprise Year 10



The Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise is designed for learners who want an introduction to business and enterprise that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to learners who wish to pursue a career in the business and enterprise sector or progress onto further study.

The objectives of this qualification are to:

understand entrepreneurial characteristics and business aims and objectives

understand business organisation, legal structures and the importance of stakeholder engagement

analyse market research, market types, marketing mix and market orientation

analyse human resource requirements for business and enterprise

understand operations management

understand business growth

understand sources of enterprise funding and business finance

analyse the impact of the external environment on business and enterprise

apply business and enterprise planning


Year 10





Curriculum content

Content Area 1:

Entrepreneurship, business organisation and stakeholders


Being an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurial motivators

Entrepreneurial skills and attributes

Business and enterprise aims and objectives

Reasons for aims and objectives

Financial aims and objectives

  Non-financial aims and objectives

Structures / Legal structures

The impact on business and enterprise of different structural characteristics

The impact on business and enterprise of changes in structure


Internal stakeholders /External stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement /Stakeholder conflict

Content Area 2: Market research, market types and orientation and marketing mix

The market

Market research: Primary market research, Secondary market research

  Data types / Market types / Business orientation types

Marketing mix; Price, Place, Promotion, Product

Product life cycle and product life cycle extension strategies

Product development and innovation

Boston Matrix

Content Area 3: Human resource requirements for business and enterprise:

Human resources

Methods of recruitment

Stages of recruitment

Types of employment contracts

Staff development and monitoring

Methods of staff development and monitoring


Financial methods of motivation

Non-financial methods of motivation

Motivation theories

Content Area 4: Operations management


Lean production

Maintaining and improving quality

Production methods

Customer service

Content Area 5: Business growth:

Business and enterprise growth

Internal growth

External growth

Efficiencies and costs of business and enterprise expansion

Challenges of growth

Area 6: Sources of enterprise funding and business finance:

Business and enterprise funding

Funding types

Financial terms, documents and tools

Financial terms and calculations

Costs, liabilities and assets

Financial documents

Ratio analysis

Cash flow management


Content Area 7: The impact of the external environment on business and enterprise

The impact of the external environment

External influences Content Area 8: Business and enterprise planning

Business and enterprise planning

Purposes and benefits of planning

Sections of a business plan



End of unit assessment, including the following:

  • multiple choice questions and short answer questions.
  • has one case study/data response stimuli with questions
  • one case study/data response stimuli with questions


End of unit assessment, including the following:

  • multiple choice questions and short answer questions.
  • has one case study/data response stimuli with questions
  • one case study/data response stimuli with questions


End of unit assessment, including the following:

  • multiple choice questions and short answer questions.
  • has one case study/data response stimuli with questions
  • one case study/data response stimuli with questions


End of unit assessment, including the following:

  • multiple choice questions and short answer questions.
  • has one case study/data response stimuli with questions
  • one case study/data response stimuli with questions

Year 11





Curriculum content

Revision of Content areas 1-6


Controlled Assessment Project

The controlled assessment project will be completed during this term.

This is worth 60% of the final grade for this qualification

Learners are given 21 hours of lesson time in exam conditions to investigate and write up their projects.

The project is externally set, internally marked, and externally moderated.

Revision of all topics from units 1 to 6


Past paper practice

Exam technique

External Examination

This is worth 40% of the final grade for this qualification.

The exam is 1 hour 30 minutes.

Useful Links