Induction Day Information (4th July 2024)


Dear Parents/Carers,


Please find below all of the information you need for Transition Day 2024. Before July 4th you will also receive a separate invitation to our Induction Evening, which is for parents, carers and Year 6 students.



  • Students must wear their primary school uniform on the day
  • School begins at 8.40am (Students arrive by 8.30am to be registered) and finishes at 3pm.
  • Year 6 pupils will be able to board the school bus free of charge. Timetable can be found on the website. Please make sure Year 6 get on the 7.24 or the 8.04 bus.
  • If pupils bring medication into school it must be clearly labelled and handed in to the main office during check in. Any medical queries should be referred to the medical needs officer via the school office. They can be contacted on 0161-494-1222
  • Students suffering from asthma should bring their inhaler into school and carry it on them at all times.
  • All students will need a pen, pencil ruler and rubber in their pencil case.
  • When students arrive at Werneth they will enter through the side gate and go to the tennis courts. Here they will be met by our staff who will support them throughout the day.
  • Students will be checked in and given a form sticker and also meet their form tutor. Students will then move into the hall ready for their first year group assembly.
  • For the duration of the day students will undertake a range of subjects as well as visiting all of our facilities.
  • Students will be supported in their lessons and throughout the day, by current Year 7 students.
  • Year 6 will have lunch in the HART space. They will be required to bring in a packed lunch for transition day. Students who received free school meals will be provided with a meal on the day.
  • During break time students will not be able to purchase food, therefore we recommend pupils bring a snack and a drink for breaktime. Please do not provide your children with fizzy drinks or energy drinks as these are not allowed in school.


We look forward to welcoming all Year 6 to Werneth.


Mrs H Massey

Associate Senior Leader/Year 7 Achievement Leader

Werneth School


Induction Evening 4th July 5-6pm


Transition Evening for parents and carers will take place at 5pm on Thursday 4th July. Due to the numbers of parents and carers expected we would ask that no more than two family members attend the evening with their child. We look forward to meeting you.



Travelling to school by bus information click here


Transition 2024