Welcome to Werneth School Library!

Children in LibraryChildren in Library

The library is run by Mrs H Taylor: helen.taylor@wernethschool.com


Library Opening times.

Laptops are available for study or homework at lunchtime or after school.

  Break Lunch After school
Monday Y Y Y
Tuesday   Y Y
Wednesday   Y  
Thursday Y Y Y
Friday   Y Y



Library lessons:

  • Every 2 weeks

  • Choose book(s), read on your own, read together, read in a group, read with a member of staff,reserve books.

  • Booklets containing a variety of texts that link to the wider curriculum.

Social times in the library:

  • Breaktime, lunchtime (open to all years) Read quietly, play chess , access the laptops, Lego.

Why read?

In a nutshell, reading is good for the brain!

The 5 main benefits of reading are:

  • It improves the functioning of the brain- reading is a workout to keep the brain healthy.
  • It improves vocabulary - reading books enriches word power
  • it improves the memory - reading activates the hippocampus area of the brain
  • It improves theory of mind - reading boosts empathy in individuals towards others
  • It improves knowledge

Even Albert Einstein knew  the value of reading:

“If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales.  If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.” – Albert Einstein

Our resources:


Range of fiction and no fiction texts

Career advice section

Intervention room for Maths and English

Self-help section

Staff library

Revision guides

Copies of dyslexia-friendly texts

New In: Diversity section

LGBTQ, BAME authors and diverse characters:

Becoming by Michelle Obama

Checkmates by Stewart Foster

Boys Don't Cry by Malorie Blackman

Can You see Me? By Libby Scott Rebecca Westcott


Becoming a student librarian


Werneth's library is a busy, vibrant space during opening hours, and the librarian has 10 students to help her to keep the library running smoothly.

Librarians are selected by following an application process. Student librarian posts are advertised, application forms filled in, interviews conducted and 'trial' weeks worked before job posts are filled, just as they would for any job.

Librarians are following an SLA recommended award scheme gaining certificates and awards for completing various tasks. It is not just about issuing and stamping books!

For more information about any of the above, please see Mrs Taylor for more details or email her at helen.taylor@wernethschool.com


Reserve and Read.

Eclipse login https://readingcloud.net/
Eclipse Hosted is our school library catalogue, where you can search for library items, reserve books you want to read, and review books you have read. To review and reserve books, and to see your library loans, you will need a login. Please see Mrs Taylor or your English Teacher. To search for items, just click on the 'search' tab. Once you have clicked on a book you can reserve it and it will be delivered during one of your English lessons.

The IMLS app will let you view your loans, review and reserve library books from the comfort of your own home. This can be downloaded from the App Store. Please see Mrs Taylor or your English teacher for your login details.




The BookTok section is reserved for young adults age 13 and above, as some of them have more mature themes. They have been recommended by TikTok users using their social platform and are extremely popular with our pupils.


The Diversity section contains a wide range of books that can be easily identified by our diversity sticker. This section features authors and characters that have traditionally been under-represented in literature.


The classics section is a favourite with staff. They are clothbound classics such as Little Women, Treasure Island, Frankenstein etc all beautifully presented and displayed. These cannot be taken home, but can be enjoyed in the library during library lessons or in social times.

Barrington Stoke Books

These books are designed for pupils who may struggle due to dyslexia or visual stress. They are stories that are of high interest, but that are retold with reluctant and weaker ereaders in mind. Barrington Stoke works with the best writers and illustrators to publish super-readable, accessible books that help every child experience the joy of reading. We are extremely fortunate to have an entire bookcase dedicated to these books in our library. 

If you liked…

This section of the library contains books that are similar to those that are being read and studied in English lessons. If a pupil feels particularly interested and engaged in a book they are reading as a class, and would like to read similar literature, this section contains similar reads for them to try.


We have a section of the library that houses all of our non-fiction texts. This is a place for our pupils to immerse themselves in topics of the real world and to extend their knowledge of the topics they are studying in classes. We have everything from mountains to motorbikes, animals to historical figures. It is an invaluable resource that we are very lucky to have in our library. 


Recommended Reads



Library BooksLibrary BooksLibrary BooksLibrary Books

How can you support your child's reading?

  • Set aside time to read to your child regularly. Little and often is best.
  • Create opportunities for your child to read alone, to you or with you.  Make reading a  family activity.
  • Encourage reading at home and everywhere else (practice reading menus, instructions, information boards, film and TV credits … show them reading is everywhere)
  • Act as a role model and let your child see you read
  • Make connections between reading and real life
  • Keep reading materials in the house and make them easily accessible
  • Talk to your child about what they are reading – show an interest
  • Expose your child to different book genres – if they always read fantasy novels, give them a science fiction or adventure story to read.
  • Visit your local library together
  • Support your child- help them when they are struggling and talk to their English teacher if you feel like you or your child needs further support

Benefits of Reading 

  • It improves the functioning of the brain – reading is a workout to keep the brain healthy
  • It improves vocabulary – reading books enriches word power
  • It improves the memory – reading activates the hippocampus area of the brain
  • It improves theory of mind – reading boosts empathy in individuals towards others
  • It improves knowledge- Reading is essential for students to become successful in school and their journey through life.  The better a child can read, the easier it is for them to learn in school. 
  • It improves mental health - Reading gives you that mental space to occupy yourself with something more interesting.
  • When you read a great story, all your stress seems to slip away and relax you since you tend to travel mentally in a different realm.

Reading tests

Every pupil will undertake a reading test at regular intervals throughout the school year. This allows us to track the reading progression of every child and provide targeted reading interventions when needed. 


Every pupil in year 7 has access to an online library platform containing over 7,000 digital texts. Pupils can select books that are tailored to their interests and their reading level, to read or listen to anywhere, anytime.


BBC Newsround: This website is the home of news and fun facts for kids. You can find out what is going on, with stories, pictures and videos to view and read together. They even have a selection of quizzes and games for you to try!. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround

Carel Press Complete Issues: the library has signed up to this fantastic resource. It gives us access to lots of articles and focus guides on a variety of subjects including Body Image, Bullying, Religion and Gender. The Username and password are both Werneth.  https://www.completeissues.co.uk/ 

Overdrive: This website offers ebooks and audiobooks for free. The best of these are in the Kids and Teens sections, with potential to browse both Fiction and Non-Fiction by Subject, for more titles to support subject knowledge and learning. You do need to be signed up to your local library. https://www.overdrive.com/ 

BorrowBox: This is another resource offering audiobooks. For students,  the best are in the Children’s eAudio section, whilst parents might be interested in the Wonderful Wellbeing titles, to keep everyone’s spirits up at home. Again to use this platform, you need to be signed up with a local library and have the app downloaded. https://www.borrowbox.com/ 

The Words for Life website from The National Literacy Trust provides parents, children and young people with activities and support to improve their language, literacy and communication skills from home for all age groups from 0-6 months to 12 years. https://www.wordsforlife.org.uk