YC Gold AwardYoung Carers logo

Werneth school is incredibly proud of the fact that we are one of only 15 schools in the country who have received the Gold Award for Young Carers from The Children’s Society.

Support Offered

Werneth School acknowledges that Young Carers may need extra support to ensure they have equal access to education and opportunities offered through the life of a school

  • Werneth school has nominated three staff who will be able to support Young Carers on a daily basis, to provide support/advice etc as required. This will be in addition to the nominated lead for Young Carers
  • Provided our Young Carers with a small purple badge that they wear on the lapel of their school uniform so that all teachers can recognise that they have young carer responsibilities. Students wear these with pride, knowing that teachers will provide additional support/advice etc where their young carers responsibilities are impacting in any way on their school experience.
  • Updated all information held on the school databases and advised all staff accordingly
  • Started a series of “Chippy Tuesday” and “Fruity Friday” events that will provide Young Carers with the opportunity to meet, talk and relax together as a group. In addition, Young Carers can access the HART space before school starts, during breaks/lunch time and for after school homework club.

The designated school lead for Young Carers is Miss Dee (Assistant Headteacher), with support from Mrs Craven and Miss Garside HART (as the day to day organisational leads for Young Carers). They will liaise with relevant colleagues such as Signpost, (Stockport Young Carers Charity) and other relevant agencies as appropriate, with the consent of the young carer.

For further information please contact: Jo Dee - Jo.dee@wernethschool.com

Stockport Young Carers on Tel: 0161 947 4690 signpostforcarers.org.uk

Our full Young Carers Policy and other information on this topic can be found on the school wellsite by clicking this link https://www.wernethschool.com/staff-students/young-carers


Sign Post Young Carers Website