Exam Results 2024

From 2020 all GCSEs were graded using the new grading system running from  grade 1 through to grade 9, with grade 9 being the top grade. Further information is given about the grades for GCSE examinations and vocational qualifications at the bottom of this page

Percentage of students achieving grade 4 or above in both English and Mathematics


Percentage of students achieving grade 5 or above in both English and Mathematics


Percentage of students achieving grade 4 or above in English


Percentage of students achieving grade 4 or above in Mathematics


Attainment 8

3.86 Points

English Baccalaureate (students were not compelled to study this combination of subjects) Standard pass



grades matrix

Further information about grades for GCSE and vocational qualifications

The table below shows  how the new grading structure compares with the previous A – G Grades.

The bottom of grade 4 is set at the same level as the bottom of a grade C. The bottom of a grade 7 is set at the same level as the bottom of the old grade A.



Vocational courses are graded either as a Level 2 (L2) or a Level 1(L1)

At Level 2 the grades are L2 Distinction*, L2 Distinction, L2 Merit, and L2 Pass.  A L2 Pass is equivalent to grade 4  at GCSE and L” Distinction is equivalent to a grade 7 at GCSE.

At L1 the grades are L1 Distinction, L1 Merit, L1 Pass.  A L1 Distinction is equivalent to a GCSE Grade 3

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