Skittles Squad

Werneth’s Skittles Squad runs every Monday lunch time and aims to help students understand differences in others and build acceptance within the school community.

We focus on matters surrounding the LGBT+ community and how these apply within a school setting.

The group:

  • caters for an open age range with members from year 7 all the way through to year 11, and
  • is open to all students who are interested in discussing key issues around inclusion whether those students identify as LGBT+ or not.

The Skittles Squad meeting offers a safe place for all students to be who they want to be.


Aims of the group:

  • Raise awareness for the trans community
  • To stop homophobia and transphobia
  • To make all people feel comfortable
  • To highlight the dangers of peer pressure
  • Raise acceptance of people’s preferred pronouns
  • To stop homophobic and transphobic slurs
  • To create a consequence system for homophobic and transphobic behaviour
  • To educate students regarding what LGBTQ+ is and the damage saying things like ‘I identify as a helicopter’ does.
  • To have a better understanding of sexuality/gender.
  • To encourage and support people even if they don’t understand
  • To promote quality and respect.
  • Usualise gender identity – boys in skirts, girls in suits etc


As part of our work in raising awareness about inclusion, we have, as a group, taken many proactive steps to encourage inclusion throughout the Werneth Community including creating assemblies delivered by members of the group and creating an advertising campaign to stop homophobia and transphobia.


If you would like to know more about the Skittles Squad and when/where the group meets-up, then please feel free to talk to:




Mrs Lauren Taylor

(Assistant Headteacher, SLT Link Year 9)