
Werneth School is committed to Safeguarding. Werneth students should not bring to school any medicines or non-prescribed medicines without informing the school in advance. We strongly discourage parents and carers from allowing students to have medicines or non-prescribed medicines (including paracetamol) on their person, during the school day. This action safeguards against a variety of potential risks.

Prescribed Medicines

  • Medicines are only given in school where it is essential; that is where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if the medicine were not administered during the school day.
  • We only accept medicines that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse practitioner or pharmacist prescriber.
  • Medicines must be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration and dosage.

Non-prescribed Medicines

  • We only administer non-prescribed medicines if we have obtained parental permission.
  • Form 3a is completed by a parent/carer for regular usage. (Please see below in Medical section for form to download)
  • Prior to administering Paracetamol, we always ring home and check:
    1. That the medicine has been administered without adverse effect in the past.
    2. When the young person last had a dose administered
    3. If any other medicine containing Paracetamol has been administered
    4. The dose of Paracetamol to be administered and what it is being administered for.

Record Keeping

Although there is no legal requirement to keep records of medicines given to pupils it is good practice to do so. Records offer protection to staff and proof that they have followed agreed procedures.

  • Form 3a is completed by parents/carers for the use of medicines to be given long term.
  • Medicines must be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions.

Storing Medicines

  • All prescribed and controlled medicines are stored in a locked cupboard.
  • Non-prescribed medicines are stored in a secured area.

Students bringing prescribed medicine into school: 

Parents must bring the medicine into school and provide:

  • Written consent, form 3a.
  • Medication in the original container.
  • Students must hand any medicine to the Medical Needs Officer/Main Office, rather than keeping it on them themselves.

Providing paracetamol in school:

It is recommended that the school keeps its own stock of tablets. This reduces the risk of pupils carrying medicines.
Parental consent would still be required prior to administering any medicines via telephone call.

Paracetamol will only be administered after 12pm unless it is urgently required.

If you have any concerns, our Medical Needs Officer, can be contacted on:

Telephone: 0161 494 1222



