Pupil Premium Vision 2023-24




Our Pupil Premium Philosophy

Our core aim is to improve the level of progress made by Pupil Premium students. We intend to achieve this through the consistent delivery of Quality First Teaching. This allows us to provide an engaging, enjoyable and inspiring curriculum for our Pupil premium students and to give them excellent learning opportunities.

To support this, departments have been allocated finances that allow them to deliver strategies for the pupil Premium students they teach. The amount allocated is based on the number of Pupil Premium students they teach and the number of lessons each subject teaches them.  This has been allocated at KS3 and at KS4 level.

By improving the achievement of Pupil Premium students we aim to reduce the gap in academic outcomes between PP students and their peers and to also achieve the FFT grades for Pupil Premium.

To support this we strive to improve the attendance of our Pupil Premium students and aim to achieve National Average for Pupil Premium attendance.
We will also promote the progression of Pupil Premium students to Further Education and beyond by engaging Pupil Premium students with a stimulating Careers curriculum that prepares them for Post-16 study and employment.

To enable us to achieve our vision we aim to deliver:
Highly focused lessons with sharp objectives;
High demands of pupil involvement and engagement with their learning;
High levels interaction for all pupils;
Appropriate use of teacher questioning, modelling and explaining;
An emphasis on learning through dialogue, with regular opportunities for pupils to talk both individually and in groups;
An expectation that pupils will accept responsibility for their own learning and work independently;
Regular use of encouragement and authentic praise to engage and motivate pupils.
Our research has allowed us to formulate a set of principles to guide our use of the Pupil Premium. To this end we will:
Ensure that the Pupil Premium is spent on the target group.
Maintain high expectations of the target group.
Thoroughly analyse which pupils are under-achieving and endeavour to work out why.
Use evidence to allocate funding to big-impact strategies.
Be relentless in our pursuit of high quality teaching, not interventions to compensate for poor teaching.
Use achievement data to check interventions are effective and make adjustments where necessary.
Have a Senior Leader with oversight of how Pupil Premium funding is being spent.
Ensure that teachers know which pupils are eligible for Pupil Premium.
Endeavour to demonstrate impact.
Have a named governor who will oversee and challenge our use of the Pupil Premium.


The Funding

September 23

PP Allocation – £415,035 based on 403 on roll

Post LAC - £10,120 based 4 on roll 

PPG Service Children - £2345.00 based on 7 on roll


There are guidelines for how to allocate the funding issued by the Department of Education which can be accessed here:


Our Pupil Premium Profile

Pupil Premium pupils as a percentage of the year group

Current Profile

As of Sept 23 Number of PP students Percentage of Year Group
Year 7 51 26%
Year 8 70 32%
Year 9 68 33%
Year 10 77 36%
Year 11 85 35%

Percentage of pupils who currently receive free school meals

As of November 23 No. of FSM pupils Percentage of Year Group
Year 7 50 26%
Year 8 68 31%
Year 9 70 34%
Year 10 76 35%
Year 11 78 32%


Did you know… just registering your child for Free School Meals means that the school will receive funding to provide extra support for your child?

Register now to make sure we don’t miss out!

Further information on how to access Free School Meals

Online application for Free School Meals

Year 11 GCSE Attainment (Class of 2023):


2023 Result

Att 8 27.0  
Eng Att 8 3.1  
Maths Att 8 2.4  
Ebacc Att 8 2.2  
Open Att 8 7.16  
Eng 4+ 45.8%  
Eng 5+ 26.5%  
Eng 7+ 7%  
Maths 4+ 27.7%  
Maths 5+ 16%  
Maths 7+ 2.5%  



Pupil Premium Strategy

Improve the attendance of Pupil Premium students and achieve National Average.

  •     Attendance Team and outreach work.
  •     Rigorous procedure of addressing issues of attendance amongst the PP cohort.
  •     Regular contact with parents of PP students who have poor attendance.

Reduce the gap between Pupil Premium attainment and FFT grades by raising PP attainment. 

  • Deliver First Quality Teaching
  • Planned and resourced intervention strategies at Department level.
  • Departments to include plans for raising PP achievement within their Departmental Development Plan.
  •     Make funds available for departments to deliver these strategies. 

Promote progression of Pupil Premium to Post-16 study and Employment

  • Engaging careers curriculum
  • Expose PP students to Colleges, Universities and places of work.
  • Introduce PP students to employers through external visits, careers fairs and assemblies.


To support vulnerable families with the purchase of uniform.

  • Funds available to support families with purchase of uniform

Fund transport for students in need

  •  Taxis for parents to attend school
  •  Transport for students to attend school
  •  Transport for students to attend alternative provision

Peripatetic Music Lessons

  • Pay for music lesson for PP students

Food Technology Ingredients.    

  • Purchase a bank of ingredients that PP students can access so they can engage in Food Tech lessons.


  • Funds available for Staff to bid for support above and beyond the planned interventions.

Pupil Premium Statement