Report a Bully

Reporting Bullying


Whether you have witnessed someone being bullied, or you are the person being bullied, reporting it is always the right thing to do, so please do not worry about it

You don’t have to leave your name if you prefer not to (if you are reporting about someone else who is being bullied)

You can either report it to:


  • Year Inclusion Manager
  • Member of staff in the HART team



Year Inclusion Managers:



What happens when bullying is reported?


  • School staff will work with the student to agree a way to resolve and end the bullying
  • Students who have bullied will be helped by:
  • Talking through the incident(s), how and why both parties became involved;
  • Being clear about the wrong doing and agreeing the need to change their behaviour;
  • Parent and carers will be informed to help change the attitude of the student.
  • Sanctions will be issued where appropriate