child in maths class

Curriculum Intent

The Mathematics Department aims to provide all students with a rewarding and enjoyable experience of mathematics. We will prepare students to become confident, numerate individuals who are able to deal with all aspects of mathematics in their chosen career and in all aspects of their adult life.

This will be accomplished through our commitment to excellent teaching, a well-designed curriculum with an interesting variety of lessons to motivate and engage all students. We have high expectations of all students so that they will recognise and achieve their full potential. We hope that students will develop their own skills in analysis, reasoning, creativity, collaboration and self-evaluation so that they can meet the mathematical problems they face with thoughtfulness and enthusiasm.


Mathematics at Werneth School is an exciting and interesting subject which is related to the world around us. We have adopted a ‘mastery approach’, which means that when a concept has been mastered students will then solve complex problems and apply to real life scenarios to develop depth of understanding. A 5 year scheme builds skills, year on year, to enable students to become fluent in maths and have the ability to apply what they know to unfamiliar areas of the curriculum; an essential life skill. Units are taught in six week blocks where students' knowledge is regularly evaluated. There is a final summative assessment at the end of the unit.

In our classrooms, students experience a variety of activities including problem solving, group work and investigations, alongside more traditional consolidation, and practice. We are a well-resourced department of 10 specialist teachers with access to many dedicated resources such as Sparx maths.  All of these are available to support the student’s independent learning outside the classroom.


Curricular Features

  • To become fluent in numerate techniques that support good progress in mathematics and are essential life skills for be prepared for further education and working life
  • To develop the oracy skills and use of technical language in the subject so that students can articulate their thoughts and provide reasoning for their work
  • To provide deep learning of mathematical concepts through mastery learning activities throughout the five year curriculum
  • To enhance students knowledge of mathematics in the real world by providing contextual learning experiences such as learning compound percentages by studying mortgages
  • To provide learners the opportunity to study mathematics further through additional curricular opportunities in statistics and further mathematics.
  • To build mathematical resilience to support problem solving throughout the curriculum and develop that as a skill which can be used cross curriculum
  • A curriculum that is designed for students to learn to their ability as well as aspiring to improve throughout

Curriculum overview:



Maths Y7 Progression Grid Link






Area of study:

Addition and its applications

Subtraction and its applications

Multiplication and its applications

Division and its applications

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Angles and measuring

What should they know?

How to add numbers including decimals, negatives and fractions


How to  use place value as a tool to manipulate and identify numbers

How to subtract numbers including decimals, negatives and fractions


Can use place value as a tool to manipulate and identify numbers

How to subtract multiply numbers including decimals, negatives and fractions


Can combine previous skills alongside applications of multiplication

How to subtract division numbers including decimals, negatives and fractions


Can combine previous skills alongside applications of multiplication

Can confidently work with numbers presented in either fractional, decimal or percentage form as well as changing between forms

The importance of angles and their uses including the rules that govern them and where those rules were postulated from


The importance of units of measure and how and why we convert between different systems

What should they be able to do?

Be able to apply the above skills to functional questions including applications such as working with money, timetables and algebraic expressions


To utilise these skills for geometrical purposes such as perimeter and angles

Be able to apply the above skills to functional questions including applications such as working with temperatures and understanding debt


To utilise these skills for geometrical and working with inverse operations

Be able to apply the skills of multiplication to a variety of topics such as solving equations


To apply the knowledge of multiplication to real world scenarios such as finding areas

Be able to apply the skills of division  to a variety of topics such as sharing into quantities


To apply the knowledge of division to real world scenarios such as sequences that occur in nature

Confidently work with numbers presented in either fractional, decimal or percentage form as well as changing between forms


Can manipulate the forms of FDP to perform calculations including percentage changes

Can confidently draw and measure angles


Can use the rules of angles to find missing angles around points, on lines and within triangles


Can confidently convert between units and have an understanding of the parameters of units for measures

Key vocabulary

































To ensure consistency of assessment across the year for students we use the following model

  • In each of the above units students will have the opportunity to complete a series of progress checks. These are aimed at checking students' understanding and they will complete a relevant piece of improvement work based on teacher feedback - These assessments are based on student learning so carry no score. An example can be seen in the attached powerpoint
  • In the first terms in Autumn, Spring and Summer students will sit an end of unit examination which is based on their current learning
  • In the second terms in Autumn and Spring students will sit a progress check, this assessment is based on current and previous learning. The results of these and the above assessments are then used to provide you with a grade that your son/daughter will have on their report home
  • In the last summer term students will sit their end of year exam which is a more extensive assessment consisting of a non-calculator and a calculator exam as above these are graded using GCSE requirements and the results reported home



Maths Y8 Progression Grid Link






Area of study:

Sequences and Equations



Ratio and Scale

2D shapes

Data handling

What should they know?

The use of sequences and the rules that differing sequences use


How algebra can be applied to questions to find unknowns in a variety of contexts

To connect the idea of multiplication to the use of index notation


To apply index notation to simplify algebra of increasing complexity

How to create accurate diagrams including the use of angles to identify locations


To develop angles knowledge into polygons

The use of ratio to share amounts into unequal parts


Using ratio and scales to create diagrams and using maps

To explore the properties of 2D shapes including finding the area of shapes such as trapeziums and compound shapes


To understand the use of surface area in real life contexts

The different statistical diagrams that can be used in maths including their uses and limitations


How different statistical procedures can be applied to a data set to provide conclusions and which are most appropriate

What should they be able to do?

To find the nth term of a sequence and to use this to find terms in a sequence or whether a number is in a sequence


To solve equations with up to three operations including basic applications of this skill with perimeter and angles

To be able to explain why the rules of indices work and then use said rules in a variety of algebraic simplifications


To use the above rules to expand and factorise single brackets as a key algebraic skill

To be able to draw a triangle accurately using a compass and protractor and then to use this skills to identify regions using Loci


To understand the rules of internal and external polygon angles and apply these to complex shape problems

Able to take a ratio and simplify it into its simplest form.


Share a given amount into a ratio or find that total given a part amount


To use a scale on a map or diagram to find real life dimensions

To be able to find the area of two dimensional shapes including circles


To be able to calculate a surface area and then use this in a functional context to find required amount of materials and or cost 

To be able to draw and interpret a range of statistical diagrams including pie charts and various graphs


To be able to find averages of data and choose a correct average for the data set including reasoning

Key vocabulary





















Surface area

Pie chart






To ensure consistency of assessment across the year for students we use the following model

  • In each of the above units students will have the opportunity to complete a series of progress checks. These are aimed at checking students' understanding and they will complete a relevant piece of improvement work based on teacher feedback - These assessments are based on student learning so carry no score. An example can be seen in the attached powerpoint
  • In the first terms in Autumn, Spring and Summer students will sit an end of unit examination which is based on their current learning
  • In the second terms in Autumn and Spring students will sit a progress check, this assessment is based on current and previous learning. The results of these and the above assessments are then used to provide you with a grade that your son/daughter will have on their report home
  • In the last summer term students will sit their end of year exam which is a more extensive assessment consisting of a non-calculator and a calculator exam as above these are graded using GCSE requirements and the results reported home




Maths Y9 Progression Grid Link






Area of study:

Principles of algebra

Graphs and coordinates

Proportional reasoning

Reasoning with number



What should they know?

Complex algebraic techniques involving binomials


Solving more complex equations such as those with multiple unknowns of either the same or different variables

Exploring the principles of graphs including how coordinates work and finding missing vertices


using graphs of real life contexts to find rates of change 

Exploring proportional relationships and how changing operations effect results


Working with compound units in a variety of contexts

Students expand on knowledge of percentages and how to use them in different contexts such as bank accounts


Exploration of standard form and how it used to identify large and small numbers

Students explore the use of probability and how it is calculated in theory and then its limitations in real world scenarios


Students study the use of Venn diagrams and how they are used to display information

Students explore the use of transformations to move shapes around a coordinate grid.


Similar shapes and their properties including the connection to enlargement

What should they be able to do?

Students can expand and factorise quadratic expressions


Students can solve equations and inequalities that involve multiple operations


Students can solve a simultaneous equation to find two unknowns in a variety of ways

Students can plot and calculate coordinates in two and three dimensions


Students can utilise skills with linear graphs including plotting, finding the equation of and interpreting those that have context

Able to find missing amounts using both direct and inverse proportional reasoning


Can apply the above skills to working out best buys, currency conversions and recipe scaling


Can calculate speed, density and pressure

Students can expand their knowledge of percentages to using multipliers and then utilise this to find compound percentages and reverse percentages


Students can put numbers into and out of standard form including performing four operations on numbers in standard form

Able to calculate a probability from a variety of scenarios


Can calculate a relative frequency and then relate this to what would happen in reality


Can calculate the probability of multiple events happening

Can populate a venn diagram and calculate a given probability

Students are able to perform reflections, rotations and translations as well as being able to describe an already given transformations


Students will be able to enlarge a shape on a coordinate grid including from a given point


Students will be able to give the conditions under which shapes are similar and find missing sides in said shapes

Key vocabulary













Standard form















Scale Factor



To ensure consistency of assessment across the year for students we use the following model

  • In each of the above units students will have the opportunity to complete a series of progress checks. These are aimed at checking students' understanding and they will complete a relevant piece of improvement work based on teacher feedback - These assessments are based on student learning so carry no score. An example can be seen in the attached powerpoint
  • In the first terms in Autumn, Spring and Summer students will sit an end of unit examination which is based on their current learning
  • In the second terms in Autumn and Spring students will sit a progress check, this assessment is based on current and previous learning. The results of these and the above assessments are then used to provide you with a grade that your son/daughter will have on their report home
  • In the last summer term students will sit their end of year exam which is a more extensive assessment consisting of a non-calculator and a calculator exam as above these are graded using GCSE requirements and the results reported home



Higher and Foundation tier students will study the same content but will vary in their starting and end point depending on ability





Area of study:

Non Calculator methods

Similarity and congruence

Proportions and proportional change

Delving into Data

Applications of algebra

What should they know?

Students should be able to confidently work without a calculator in a variety of contexts


Be able to work through sequences, fractions, limits of accuracy and the use of powers

Students should be able to make the connection between similar shapes and state the conditions of congruency


Students should be able to extend work on trigonometry into 3D and non right angled triangles

Students should extent their knowledge of ratio to include combining ratios


Students discover how to use a compound percentage and how this relates to bank accounts and mortgages

Students will explore data presentation in more abstract ways


Calculating both dependent and independent probabilities from tree diagrams and venn diagrams

Students continue to develop their algebraic skills into ever more complex scenarios


Learning to solve questions that have more than one root and the different methods through which this can be accomplished


Solving inequalities with more than one interval or answer

What should they be able to do?

Students should be able to find the rules governing both linear and quadratic sequences


Find and use the limits of accuracy to calculate quantities to a suitable degree of accuracy


Be able to state and then use the rule of indices including use of fractional and negative powers including applications such as standard form

Find the missing sizes in similar shapes including area and volume


Use chains of reasoning to detail if two shapes are congruent and under what conditions

Use pythagoras and trigonometry in three dimensions


Find and use standard trigonometric values including using both sine and cosine rules 

Students should be able to work with ratio to find missing amounts including connecting ratios together


Students should be able to work with percentages efficiently including

Working algebraically with proportions to find missing amounts in relationships

Students will learn how to create cumulative frequency graphs and histograms and how to interpret these diagrams and draw further ones such as box plots


Students will learn the relationships between successive outcomes in probability and how to display these.


Learning how to calculate a probability from a situation which is conditional

Students will learn to develop their algebraic techniques into solving more complex equations with fractional components


Students should be able to solve quadratic equations through a variety of means such as factorising, graphical or quadratic formula


Students will be able to solve inequalities that have more than one interval or that are quadratic


Solving simultaneous equations when one equation is linear and the other is quadratic

Key vocabulary






























To ensure consistency of assessment across the year for students we use the following model

  • In each of the above units students will have the opportunity to complete a series of progress checks. These are aimed at checking students' understanding and they will complete a relevant piece of improvement work based on teacher feedback - These assessments are based on student learning so carry no score. An example can be seen in the attached powerpoint
  • In the second terms in Autumn, Spring and Summer students will sit an end of unit examination which is based on their current learning
  • In the first terms in Autumn and Spring students will sit a progress check, this assessment is based on current and previous learning. The results of these and the above assessments are then used to provide you with a grade that your son/daughter will have on their report home
  • In the second spring term students will sit their end of year examination this is allows us time to provide feedback and intervention to students prior to the commencement of year 11








Area of study:

2D and 3D shapes

Applications of algebra 2

Multiplicative and geometric reasoning

Students will spend the remainder of the curriculum time reviewing learning from the GCSE specification 


Once students have completed diagnostic assessment detailed below revision schedule both individually and for the class as a whole is planned to cover gaps in learning

What should they know?

Find the length and areas of arcs and sectors including circular segment areas 


How to calculate the volumes of complex three dimensional shapes 


How to answer contextual questions on both surface area and volume with complex three dimensional shapes


How to use a vector to describe a journey both algebraically and numerically 

Students study the complexity of algebra and advanced techniques and their application to Maths


Students will study the use of functions and how they can alter a algebraic outcome


Students will study iteration and its uses and how an iterative method can provide an estimate of outcome 

Students will look to create chains of reasoning from first principles to proof or disprove a statement or scenario


Study of more complex graphs such as cubics and exponentials


Can create a resonated response to find a missing angle in a circle theorem

GCSE specification should be known confidently and secure knowledge of the skills required to answer a GCSE paper confidently 

What should they be able to do?

Can modify calculations for area and circumference of circle to find arcs and sectors


Calculate the volume of cylinders, cones and spheres and modify techniques on these to calculate a preserved volume of a frustum 


Calculate a numerical vector or combination of vectors. Can use a vector technique to proof a journey including a ratio

Can use learnt algebraic techniques to simplify and solve algebraic fractions


Can find the outcome of a function provided the input and then use this to calculate expressions for both inverse and compound functions 


Can perform an iteration or an iterative process to find a likely outcome 

Can construct an algebraic proof to prove a given statement


Can use reasoning and angle rules to find missing angles including those in a circle theorem question


Can plot and interpret real life graphs such as exponentials


Can find missing values in an exponential expression 

Answer GCSE questions confidently in line with and exceeding their target grade

Key vocabulary













Glossary of Mathematical terms


To ensure consistency of assessment across the year for students we use the following model 

  • In each of the above units students will have the opportunity to complete a series of progress checks. These are aimed at checking students' understanding and they will complete a relevant piece of improvement work based on teacher feedback - These assessments are based on student learning so carry no score. An example can be seen in the attached powerpoint 

  • In each term students will sit an examination to ascertain their current grade and provide feedback which will help them to improve their outcome at GCSE 

  • In Autumn 2 term students will sit their formal mock examination where they will complete a full suite of exam paper and be given a grade using the grade boundaries applied at GCSE 

  • In Spring 2 students will sit a final diagnostic assessment which will identify where their gaps in learning are so that revision for final examination can be individualised for each students 

GCSE Exam Information:

  • GCSE examination in Maths follows the Edexcel 9-1 specification
  • Students will sit three exam papers (1 non calculator and 2 calculator papers) each are weighted equally at 80 marks and have equal time lengths of 90 minutes
  • Students will be assigned to a tier based on their academic performance throughout school with foundation tier covering grades U-5 and the higher tier grades 3-9. Students will only sit the higher tier if their assessment results consistently show they are able to achieve a strong pass
As a department we recommend the following revision book , this is available to buy from school at a discounted price from regular retailers

Useful links:

  • Maths department utilises the SPARX maths program for all homework and revision purposes. A support video on how to use this and its purpose can be found in the subject powerpoint below. Link to Sparx
  • There are numerous GCSE websites available for Mathematics support and revision, as a department we advocate the use of the following sites which contain GCSE support videos and exam questions that students can download and answer

Maths Genie

Corbett Maths

MME revise

Third Space learning

The GCSE maths tutor


Any enquiries about Mathematics can be made by emailing the address below...