ELT Website Link

At the Education Learning Trust we aim to create a challenging learning environment  where children develop both academically and personally.  We take pride in our achievements and have high expectations for each child in every aspect of their work.

As a multi academy trust, we have continued to achieve consistently high academic standards. We welcome families from all cultures and nationalities into our schools and have a track record of supporting low attainers and pupils with special needs - thereby ensuring that we are successful at closing gaps in academic outcomes.

Our leaders are skilled in people development (both adults and children) and involve them in decision making – empowering them to generate contributions.  To that end, we have achieved Investors in People ‘Full Framework’ status (accreditation above Gold).

Our objectives and focus as a trust are as follows:

  • to develop and enthuse excellent teaching and learning leading to the highest academic standards
  • to ensure a safe, nurturing and caring environment for all to thrive
  • to create the best possible teachers, leaders and governors
  • to share the best educational practice through collaborative approaches
  • to be a driving force for change and school improvement


Please click here to be taken to the school's financial benchmark page.


Contact details

Education Learning Trust

Hawthorn Road

Phone - 0161 428 6180