24 March 2022, 5.00pm – 7.00pm
Dear Parent/Carer,
Re: Year 9 Options Information Evening
This year our students in Year 9 will be choosing the subjects they wish to study at GCSE. This decision is very important and an exciting time in your child’s school life: it is the point where they decide about the courses and qualifications they wish to study up to year 11. These are decisions that will affect their future and hopefully lead them on to become successful adults.
To support your child in making the right choices, we would like to invite parents/careers to our Options Information Evening on Thursday 24th March. This is an opportunity for you and your son/daughter to discuss possible option choices with subject leaders and other subject staff and to answer any questions you may have.
You are invited to attend one of two sessions, either from 5.00pm-6.00 pm or from 6.00pm-7.00 pm. There will be an introductory talk in the main hall outlining the Options procedure at the start of each session at 5.00pm and 6.00pm.
As always, we would encourage students to speak to family members, teachers and form tutors for guidance and advice. Parents’ Evening took place remotely on 10th March and offered an opportunity to speak to subject teachers about suitability and progress within each subject. Options Evening will offer further guidance and information.
I look forward to seeing you and explaining this process further at the Options Information Evening on Thursday 24th March.
Yours sincerely
G Kennedy
Miss Gill Kennedy
Assistant Headteacher