24 May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
On the run up to your son/daughter’s Year 10 Summer examinations, I would like to invite you to a Parent/Carer virtual Examinations Clinic on Tuesday 24th May. This event will run on SchoolCloud (the same platform we use for Parents’ Evening) and is available by appointment only.
The event is being held to give you the chance to ask any questions surrounding how you can help support your child’s learning and how you can help them prepare for their upcoming examinations at home.
If you would like to secure an appointment with your child’s Year Achievement Leader, please complete and return the slip below. Alternatively you can send an email to hannah.massey@wernethschool.com to arrange an appointment.
Further information on revision techniques and supporting your children in their studies will follow shortly.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Hannah Massey
Year 10 Achievement Leader
Please fill in the form here and return to school